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Bouncy Castle

 Our next event will be the Bouncy Castle Party on Friday 13th February.  Open to all Aspire Members plus family and friends. Numbers are limited to 40 in each session, for safety reasons so be sure to keep the date free. 

Tickets on sale 
Friday 30th January & 6th February at 7.00pm 
and Saturday 31st January & 7th February at 11.30 am In the corridor outside the hall.
              £2.00 for Aspire club Members (those with  blue water bottles)
              £3.00 for all family & friends
 Children will be supervised by Aspire coaches

Session 1.  4.30 - 5.15 pm  for Pre-school to year 2 children. 
                                         The smallest Castle will be kept for under 5's 
Session  2.  5.30- 6.15pm   for children Year 3 and above
                                        One castle will be set aside for 11+ children if necessary 

Light refreshments will be on sale. Please volunteer to help.

Children should wear clothing to cover arms and legs including wearing socks on their feet.

Thanks to our fundraising efforts the club is about to purchase the long awaited Air Track. 

Now we need £3000 to buy a new set of Bars. Fox Gymnastics Club have kindly lent us a set for over 2 years! 


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