Aspire Subscriptions Gift
The committee has decided the club water bottles given out in 2011 were so good we should create a new design and have them as the 2013 -14 subscription gift for all gymnasts.
The coaches have theirs and Lois Jones will be the first gymnast to receive hers because she has already paid her 2013-2014 club subscription. She will also receive one of last year's bags for being first.
All gymnasts are asked to join the club.
The fee has not been increased and is £10.00. It is due on September 1st and is valid until 31.08.14. Aspire members get discounted prices for Aspire fundraising events such as the Christmas Disco (December 20th) and the Bouncy Castle party in February.
Subs should be paid to Gil Hawes (NOT the LC)
- by cheque to "Aspire Gymnastics"
- cash in an envelop marked FAO Gil Hawes
- directly into the club bank account, email Gil for details.
Once the subscription is paid Gil will ensure a named water bottle is presented at gymnastics.
We wonder how many members will there be in Aspire by the end of this year.
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