Safeguarding Policy for Gymnasts, Parents & Coaches.

This is to remind you that British Gymnastics has a strict policy on the use of the Internet and has recently updated the policy. Aspire Gymnastics also has a strict policy for Internet use.

The main points are:

  • No coach is permitted to communicate directly with an individual gymnast through text, internet chat rooms, social networks (including Facebook, Twitter, and Facetime etc.) or by e mail. 
  • Communication to gymnasts must be through parents, or Group E mails or from updates posted on the gym Web Site.
  • Coaches and gymnasts who communicate on a 1-1 basis could be subject to disciplinary sanctions.
  • Under no circumstances should a coach communicate with a gymnast via Skype. Gymnasts , Parents and Coaches must not post unfavourable, personal or disrespectful comments regarding gymnasts, coaches, personnel or the club on public networks such a Twitter

If you become aware that the above is occurring, please contact our Welfare Officer, Beth Maddock on 01252 627627. Full details of this policy can be found on the BG Website, Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy Page 16 ( Communication Policy and Procedures.)

Thank you.


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