Volunteer Coach Recognised by Hart DC & HVA

This event is to recognise the work of volunteers and voluntary organisations throughout Hart.  To qualify for nomination the individual or organisation needs to have made a contribution to the community of Hart through voluntary action.   As 2012 is the year of the Olympics, nominations are particularly (but not exclusively) sought for individuals or organisations involved in the promotion of sport. 

Jo, the Head Coach, nominated Paige

 Aspire Gymnastics at Frogmore began in 2010 with only five gymnasts and one coach. Paige immediately volunteered to help. As the club has grown Paige’s help has been invaluable. She has willingly and  cheerfully carried out every type of task asked of her. She  arrives in good time to help set up for the sessions. She escorts the girls to the toilets, fetches ice and plasters etc  for minor accidents. Paige sets up the music for each group.  She never leaves until all items are carefully stored away. Paige is a vital member of Aspire Gymnastics, giving up 6.5 hours each weekend to coach as she has done for nearly two years. Paige helps to coach all our gymnasts from 2 year olds in Pre School to Teenagers at recreation and competition levels. She has begun a UKCC course and her mentor is impressed with her knowledge and understanding of the steps required for good progression to learning skills.  When another teenage volunteer joined the club she made him very welcome. By going out of her way to give him a lift she has made it easier for him to attend regularly. She appreciates that we now rely on her, always informing the Head Coach if she is going to be delayed. Once she gave us several weeks notice when she was going to miss a session.   All our gymnasts enjoy working with Paige, she is very popular. They like to see her perform and showing she still enjoys gymnastics. She deserves  recognition for all her time and dedication to the club. 

Congratulations and well done Paige, best wishes for a successful result in your exam in May.

Jo and Gil attended the evening with Paige and her mother Denise. It was apparent from the people recognised that young volunteers in Hart are few and far between. We are incredibly lucky to have had Paige, she is an example to young people in Hart.


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