
Showing posts from April, 2012

Hampshire Under 8's Conditioning League Round 2

Mia, Sophie, April, Amy, Megan and Keira did their best on Saturday 28th April at Havant, in the second leg of the Conditioning League but the break the club takes over the school holidays seemed to show. We may have to consider continuing squad training through the school holidays next year.  Megan, her first turn in the team, scored 8 points on rebound that's equal to 31 bounces over 30 cms in 30 secs very good. Sophie and Mia added over 1 point to their Bench routines, that's a good improvement. Amy improved her standing high jump from 18 to 25 cms, well done. At last the team have scored something on reverse leg lifts thanks to Keira and April. Last year we did not score anything over the 5 rounds! We need to  concentrate on front leg lifts because we still have a nil score for those. We know the other teams train up to 20 hours a week and we may not get the best scores but all gymnasts need to their very best so they can see themselves improving. All the squad will need t...

Good News

Thank you everyone, who, during February put green tokens in our box at Waitrose, they amounted to £210.00   Today we collected a cheque for £210 from Waitrose. Many thanks for all the green tokens!   Jo wants the club to buy custom made mats for the Beam and Bars. They will cost about £3000.00. The mats are firmer and as well as providing a safe landing area for the gymnasts  will be better for the coaches to stand on to support the gymnasts and free the "crash mats" for other areas of the gym.  If you have any ideas for more fundraising, or your company would be willing to make a donation let Gil know on  aspiregymnastics  or speak to one of the coaches.

Volunteer Coach Recognised by Hart DC & HVA

HART DISTRICT COUNCIL & HART VOLUNTARY ACTION  VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION EVENT 24 th APRIL 2012 This event is to recognise the work of volunteers and voluntary organisations throughout Hart.  To qualify for nomination the individual or organisation needs to have made a contribution to the community of Hart through voluntary action.   As 2012 is the year of the Olympics, nominations are particularly (but not exclusively) sought for individuals or organisations involved in the promotion of sport.  Jo, the Head Coach, nominated Paige  Aspire Gymnastics at Frogmore began in 2010 with only five gymnasts and one coach. Paige immediately volunteered to help. As the club has grown Paige’s help has been invaluable. She has willingly and  cheerfully carried out every type of task asked of her. She  arrives in good time to help set up for the sessions. She escorts the girls to the toilets, fetches ice and plasters etc  for minor accidents. Paige sets up the...

Round 1 Hants Under 8's Conditioning League

Well done to the team, everyone did very well our total was as good as the end of last year. All the team scored well on bars and Amy who was the youngest team member and in the team for the first time scored our best bars score in this competition with 10.2.  This year the team has to do press ups for 30 secs with very strict judging and Molly scored 10 which made her the 9th highest scorer in press ups out of 50+ gymnasts. Mia's personal score of 40 over 9 activities was the highest in the team this round.  The team for Round 2 on 28th April has been selected and we wish them luck. It is all about improving the scores on everything.


GRADES are a British Gymnastics    national  scheme by which novice gymnasts progress by competition from Grade 14 through county,  region and eventually to the British Team. On Sunday 1st April Lara Trott joined Jessica and Heidi (who  gained  grade 14 last year) in passing Grade 14. It is very tough. The gymnasts have to compete on four  pieces  floor, vault, bars, beam and a Range and  Conditioning   routine .  Well done Lara a great achievement.