Hampshire Under 8's Conditioning League Round 2
Mia, Sophie, April, Amy, Megan and Keira did their best on Saturday 28th April at Havant, in the second leg of the Conditioning League but the break the club takes over the school holidays seemed to show. We may have to consider continuing squad training through the school holidays next year. Megan, her first turn in the team, scored 8 points on rebound that's equal to 31 bounces over 30 cms in 30 secs very good. Sophie and Mia added over 1 point to their Bench routines, that's a good improvement. Amy improved her standing high jump from 18 to 25 cms, well done. At last the team have scored something on reverse leg lifts thanks to Keira and April. Last year we did not score anything over the 5 rounds! We need to concentrate on front leg lifts because we still have a nil score for those. We know the other teams train up to 20 hours a week and we may not get the best scores but all gymnasts need to their very best so they can see themselves improving. All the squad will need t...