
Showing posts from April, 2014
Date for your diaries - our Summer Show will be taking place on Saturday 5th July 2014. This is where our gymnastics show their family and friends their new skills. More details to follow soon 

May holiday training camp

Holiday training camps are compulsory 6 to 9 May 2014   FUN GYM LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2+3+4 LEVEL   7+8 Every morning the same time 9 – 10 9– 11 10 – 12 10- 13

Spring badges

Congratulations to everyone who was awarded a British Gymnastics' proficiency badge and certificate last term - we gave out a record number of badges :-) A special mention  to Lara, who over the last three years has gained every badge from 8 to 1 and therefore earned a medal for all her achievements. Well done Lara!

March's gymnasts of the month

Aspire Cup Daniel (red leotard)   For trying very hard in every session,in acro and in conditioning. He has made lots of progress in the last couple of months.  Frogmore Cup Imogen  For really trying hard, even when she is nervous of new skills and making excellent progress. Yateley Cup Tomas For working so hard. He is always very polite and full of enthusiasm. He has worked really well when doing skills for badges and has made such good progress!