
Showing posts from July, 2013

Our First Summer Show

On Sat the 20th July, on one of the hottest days of the year, Aspire Gymnastics Club held their first Summer Show. All the gymnasts from 2 to 13 years old were invited to take part. About 75% of  club members were there. Families and friends were treated to a range of activities chosen to show everyone what the gymnasts have learnt.  Act 1 finished with a display of trampette skills including Heidi doing a dive roll over 8 gymnasts. The highest she had tried in a club session previously was 7! Even the coaches, many of whom are ex-gymnasts, had to have a go. We saw somersaults from them! Hopefully some of the gymnasts will be doing those in next year's show.  In Act 2 there were group performances from Pre-school, Saturday Rec, Friday Rec, Little Stars (the squad's development group) The Twinkles, Acro (the club's newest addition to the Squad) and individual performances on Bars, Beam and Floor. It was a most enjoyable experience for everyone and the club has received man...

AGM special presentations

At the AGM on Friday 12th July the following presentations were made: The club has been able to purchase new custom made beam mats with a grant from Hampshire County Council with the help of Councillor Adrian Collett.   At this event Adrian Collett presented Aspire with the new beam mats which are really beneficial for the gymnasts and coaches.  Adrian Collett also presented Aspire’s 100 th member Eve Preston, with a voucher for the next term's fees (kindly donated my Frogmore Leisure Centre) and a selection of other gifts. Mr Collett said the club is doing a great job in the local area by providing such a fantastic gymnastics’ club. Aspire Gymnastics began in April 2010 with one coach (Jo Henden) and 5 gymnasts. By the end of 2010 it had grown to 40 gymnasts. In 2013 there are over 100 gymnasts (including a competition squad) and plenty of coaches.

AGM & Committee Members

At the AGM, on 12th July, the following people were elected to serve as Committee Members for the next year. CHAIR                                                 MEL OVERTON TREASURER                                        HELEN NEWMAN SECRETARY                                        GIL HAWES   WELFARE OFFICER                              BETH MADDOCK HEALTH & SAFETY OFFICER                CLARE GARNER VOLUNTEERS CO-ORDINATOR              NIC SHREEVE Also on the committee are  HEAD COACH       ...

Thank you Steph

Stephanie O'Sullivan has been the club treasurer since Aspire Gymnastics  began in 2010 and has seen the club resources grow in that time, as well as Jo's equipment wish list. The rate at which items are removed from the list doesn't quite match the rate that Jo can come up with new things. Steph resigned her position as Club Treasurer at the recent AGM,  Mel gave a Vote of Thanks and Jo presented Steph with a bouquet and a bottle, as a thank you from the club. Mel and Jo show their appreciation of Steph's hard work Thanks Steph!


Have you got your tickets yet?  Everyone is rehearsing their routines  ready for the show  on Saturday 20th July at 2.30 pm.  Bring your friends and family. There will be refreshments,  photos,  a raffle  and fabulous leotards for sale.

Final Round Hampshire Under 8's Conditioning League

Over the 5 Rounds 12 gymnasts have represented Aspire. The 6 with the highest scores competed in the final round on 6th July.  The gymnasts have made fantastic progress this year and scored far more highly than in previous years. We were thrilled in Round 4 when the team score went over 200. In the last round the team score was 225.55. The gymnasts compete on 10 activities and the 4 highest scores go towards the team score.   The team and their scores Kaitlyn   60.2 Molly     55.95 Rhianna 54.05 Darcie   50.15 April     43.75 Amy      40.1  Molly and April represented the club in 2011 and 2012 but will be too old in 2014! Amy represented the club in 2012 and this year and will be able to be in the team next year as well.  Kaitlyn, Darcie and Rhianna will also be too old for this competition next year but we are hoping the five older girls will prepare for Grades next Spring.  Thank you girls for working so h...

Gymnasts of the month - June 2013

Yateley Cup       Aimee Pooley  for working hard. She always listens to what her coaches tell her and  stands correctly in the line. She always comes to gymnastics with a smile on her face Frogmore Cup   Rachel Tickell   for  always trying her best. She always attempts whatever skill we are learning. She listens and tries to do what she is asked, to the best of her ability. Aspire Cup        Kaitlyn Young  for being a dedicated member of the Under 8’s Conditioning team. She has made a vast improvement in all areas of gymnastics through hard work and determination.