Our First Summer Show
On Sat the 20th July, on one of the hottest days of the year, Aspire Gymnastics Club held their first Summer Show. All the gymnasts from 2 to 13 years old were invited to take part. About 75% of club members were there. Families and friends were treated to a range of activities chosen to show everyone what the gymnasts have learnt. Act 1 finished with a display of trampette skills including Heidi doing a dive roll over 8 gymnasts. The highest she had tried in a club session previously was 7! Even the coaches, many of whom are ex-gymnasts, had to have a go. We saw somersaults from them! Hopefully some of the gymnasts will be doing those in next year's show. In Act 2 there were group performances from Pre-school, Saturday Rec, Friday Rec, Little Stars (the squad's development group) The Twinkles, Acro (the club's newest addition to the Squad) and individual performances on Bars, Beam and Floor. It was a most enjoyable experience for everyone and the club has received man...