
Showing posts from April, 2013

100th Aspire club member?

Aspire continues to grow. April 2010 Aspire Gymnastics began with 5 members. In September, 2012, there were 80 Aspire Club members and the membership has been gradually increasing this year. Among the new intake this term we will enrol our 100th member. To mark this wonderful achievement Frogmore Leisure Centre has donated a full term's fees (the Autumn term) to the 100th member.   From 5 gymnasts to 100 in just 3 years! Fantastic!  This is the result of the wonderful ambition of Jo, who wants Aspire to be a friendly and successful club, and to the super dedication of all our coaches, especially Paige and Liz who were volunteers for the first two years. Thanks to all the gymnasts who come and work hard, enjoy themselves and encourage their friends to join Aspire. T he club is grateful for the support it has always received from the Leisure Centre and their generous gift for our 100th member.    Who will it be?  Presentation will be made at the AGM later thi...


Congratulations to Megan, our newest qualified coach. Megan has been a volunteer coach with Aspire since September. She was only 14 in January the minimum age for a Core Proficiency Level 0 Coaching award. She joins a strong coaching team. We have 15 coaches at Aspire, 6 are volunteers.


OCEANVIEW RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS 20 YEARS -2013 Reunion of all Rhythmic Gymnasts since 1993 Date: 18 May 2013 Place : Westside High School, Swakopmund Dress: Semi-formal RSVP: 1 May 2013

Hampshire Under 8's Conditioning League - Round 2

Round 2 of the Hampshire Under 8's Conditioning League was held at Xcel in Horndean on Saturday 13 April. The girls did really well and improved on our Round 1 score. The Round 2 team - AMY BERESFORD,  ELISE SETCHFIELD,  KAITLYN YOUNG,  MOLLY GARNER,  IMOGEN CAREY and  TIA HANBURY-HUGHES. Well done girls!

Badge Awards - Friday 22nd March 2013 and Saturday 23rd March 2013

Many congratulations to all our gymnasts who received their hard earned badges at our special end of term ceremonies.   We awarded over 90 badges which is amazing! You have all worked very hard and all the coaches are very proud of you. Below are some of our badge winners from the Friday ceremony.

Congratulations to our March Gymnasts of the Month

The Yateley Cup  to   Ella Arnold   for working really hard towards her badge. She always listens to advice, is keen to achieve her best and is a good example to the other gymnasts. The Frogmore Cup  t o Zoe Jakins  for listening to instructions. She is  sensible and polite to her coaches and the other gymnasts. She always does her best and strives to improve on each piece of apparatus. The Aspire Cup   to Keira Blignaut for persevering and endeavoring to overcome setbacks. She has been a loyal club member for three years, supporting her fellow gymnasts.