
Showing posts from August, 2012


Thank you once again to those people remembering to use easyfundraising for the club. We are about to receive another cheque this time for £41.74. If you haven't been using it to get donations for the club it is EASY. When shopping online there is even a reminder you can install to make  sure the club does not miss any donations. It doesn't cost you anything but the club benefits from your shopping. Our unique  easyfundraising  URL is  http://www.easyfundraising. .


Now the club is growing and there are gymnasts of all ages and abilities Jo feels the club should hold a competition so everyone can show their friends and families what they can do. It will only be for Aspire gymnasts. We will not invite any other clubs this year. There will groups and medals for all ages and abilities. It will be on Saturday 3rd November during the morning.  Entry details will be available at the end of September.  Dates for this term  Friday 7th September training begins Wednesday 12th  September  at 7.00pm  Committee Meeting  Friday 28th September 7.30 pm AGM  Friday 2nd November Training for gymnasts wishing to have a final run through of their      competition work. 4.30 - 7.00 pm coaches will advise gymnasts of timings  3rd November "ASPIRE GYMNASTICS AT FROGMORE" CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS  10th November Half term  NO TRAINING (the centre has booked a Dog Show!) Saturday 22nd December  end of ter...


The club needs to hold its first Annual General Meeting AGM. Please make a note of this date  Friday 28th September  at 7.30pm  at the Frogmore Leisure Centre We want as many people as possible to contribute to the discussions and the running of the club. We are planning to have some entertainment for the children in an adjacent room while the "business" is conducted.  An Agenda will be available soon but in the meantime PLEASE keep this date for the meeting.

Congratulations to Jo and Paul

I t was a beautiful sunny day and everybody had such a wonderful time. Thank you to the gymnasts and their families who were at the church to form a guard of honour for the happy couple. They loved the bubbles!