
Showing posts from November, 2011

More good news

Yateley Lions have also generously donated £350.00 towards our training fund. As the club grows we need more qualified coaches and their courses are very expensive. As our coaches and club officers are mostly volunteers it is unreasonable to expect them to pay all their own training costs. It is encouraging that we have the support of these local groups.

Training Sponsorship

ROTARY CLUB OF HART We have been generously supported by the Rotary Club. We received £350.00 to establish a training fund. It will be used to ensure coaches and club officers have some of their costs reimbursed. The Club Committee will determine the criteria for allocating these funds.

Water Bottles

As a thank you to everyone who has paid  their £10.00 annual club subscription we are giving you a water bottle. Here's what they look like, be sure to collect yours from Gil. You can still pay your subscription and receive a water bottle. Put the money in an envelope with your name and mark it "FAO Gil Hawes Club Subs" and put it in the silver box or hand to a coach.