
Showing posts from March, 2011

Congratulations to Heidi and Jessica

Heidi and Jessica have become the first gymnasts at Aspire Gymnastics to gain their Womens Artistic National Development Plan Grade 14. As the squad was formed less than a year ago and we have only had access to a set of bars for 6 weeks they have done incredibly well. It wasn't all plain sailing! Having done really well on the beam and performed good floor routines they gave us cause to worry when they both did less than their best on the Range & Conditioning (bench). However they both pulled out great vaults and scored well enough on Bars to gain a pass. Well done girls it was a long competition spread over 4 hours, you made us very proud. You should be very pleased with yourselves. What next?

Portsmouth U8 Round 1

Well done to everyone who took part Jessica Keira Aria Molly  and to all the parents who supported us. You can find photos here (ask Gil for the password).

Now we look like a 'Proper' Gym Club

All the equipment bought with the grant from Councillor Collett has arrived! and .... After allowing us to train at their club on the bars, Fox Gymnastics Club have taken pity on us and have generously loaned us a set of bars.

For Sale - Leotards, shorts and scrunchies

We have several leotards, shorts and scrunchies, which are second hand (a few are still new) for sale towards club funds. We are very grateful to our friends and gymnasts for their help modelling and photographing the items. Take a look at the For Sale Pages - Hope you find something you like, you could save some money ...... Leotards size 28 and 30 are here Sizes 32 and 34 are here Scrunchies and shorts are here Club Fleeces and Competition Leotards are here , these are only available new at the moment, when any second hand leotards become available they will also be offered for sale. We are willing to sell these items on behalf  club members. Our normal process is for 20% of the sale price to go to club funds.